The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2025)

4f 16DThe Cedar Rapids Gazette: Oct. 31. itt.o 94 Wontu Furnishings 92 88 AuttNuw AntlcjutM To Onhr Your Gone Wont Aj DIAL 398-8234 A.M. to 3 P.M. Monday Inrv Pridoy.

TH Nw Sot. Your Horoscope Your birthday Monday: Begins a busy year of many small lessons in prag matism. The main problem is to stick with a given project long enough to see if it works and learn why if jokes are out of order. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22): Your chances of getting the upper hand are good if you don't react to needling.

Do exactly what you decide without comment. Use your sharp eye to detect fine points. LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Choices are already made; get busy on constructive work set in motion. Take advantage of current opportunity. Don't hold onto unprofitable items.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21): In spite of yourself, you do something obstinate or whimsical with your work. Straighten matters out and get into production again. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.

21): Travel and self-promotion are heavily favored. Announce plans and have alternatives to accommodate unforeseen conditions. You can enlist aid for imaginative schemes. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.

19): You've let yourself in for more adventurous experience than planned. Be precise with details and refuse a temporary compromise. A bargain is anything but. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.

18): You're in for extra spending, like it or not, so bring cash, references and a notebook for accurate records of purchases. Don't spend time objecting. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You can drive a fair- bargain. It's wiser to deal with people you're acquainted with than to dicker with strangers.

Romance is 4 Auctions Antique)! 'THE WAY IT WAS" Stained glass CHINAS, marble too WAbH5iANu, corvea siaeoooras, HALt-f REES, pull leaf oak TABLES, sets ot chairs, WARDROBES. SECRETARIES, DESKS, BRASS, COPPER, CROCKERY. SAT. -SUN. -MON.

9 a m. to 7 i. 1414 34th SI SE. (oft Bel Air Or PUBLIC AUCTION JUST north ot Blolrs Ferry Rd. at council street, east ot Hiawatna, lo.

SAT NOV 6. Horn. ANTIQUES, torm machinery, miscel laneous. Me complete list on today's farm page, Section B. RIchord ond Frances Louvar BOB SIXTA, Auctioneer QUALITY WALNUT VICTORIAN ond OAK FURNITURE ALMOST ANYTHING! RICKLEFS WOODWORK SHOP Maouoketa St Anomosa 462-3660 Open Sat.

ond Sun. 1-5 ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE LASALLE HIGH SCHOOL 3700 1st Ave. SUN. OCT. 3L 105 ADMISSION 50c LoSolle Booster Club, Sponsor.

BACK FROM BUYING TRIP Phone for an appointment Roy Eckhort 377-1202 HANSON ANTIQUES 427 9th Ave. E. Ooen Dolly-365-4314 Auctioneering Services Appraisals and Buying Red Robin Farm. Marengo, Iowa. 5 miles west on 212 New England Country Pine and pointed furniture, copper, early lighting, Bennington, red ware, granite, pewter.

Call advisable, 642 5450. ARTHUR ZIMMERMAN AUCTIONEER, 393-9046 AUCTIONEERING BOB JEFF MOUBRY 377-5582 CARL B. NEWELL AUCTIONEER 36 DON DREXLER AUCTIONEER OLD pitcher ond bowl wash set. Cast iron tea kettle, charcoal Iron, cast Iron stove, small; cast Iron gypsy pot, old handmade ash shovels, ox bells with wood dapper. 224-3444 Waterhouse Auctioneers Wes-Centrol City 436100 Marv Manchester 927-3660 JACK SHEPHERD, Auctionee 366-0838 10O0S OF ITEMS MAHURAN ANTIQUES 1917 Ave N.E.

3650027 used resources are either brought into amazingly productive use or left for others to exploit. Relationships' ar liable to changes from outside causes; it's up to you how to react Some of Monday's natives conceal one grand ambition under a casual surface, others scatter their attention over a wide area. Those born this year will be impatient. ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Your' workweek begins with an obstacle or show of resistance. Forcing issues won't bring desired results.

Try another approach with a different group. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Fortune smiles on your candid efforts. See that you smile back, as the going is a bit rough. Make sure what you say is solidly Upheld by reliable evidence. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Competition is brisk and a trifle harsh.

A lackadaisical attitude doesn't escape notice. Be quick to check your figures. File petitions for what you want. CANCER (June 21-July 22): It's iso easy to overstate your case, but you're better off in long run by saying little and doing more via practiced methods. A looked-for contingency finally comes.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Strive for consistent planning and sensible behavior. Take a strong stand on topics, and be sure to keep informed. Practical rorinuT CAIVAftf 4 drawer chesT, wolnut or Maple tln- rOT SOB. 3 aruwwi bedroom suite $139.

Hercuton sofa bed w. 1 irwece sura rt t-ur contour uiuir V. XX net $119. Full sized mattress and pj Stan as siv. un firm mattress ond box springs 9 Herculon Ear ly American sold ond cnoir ur.

Ketiirw. cuton woll-awov recllner $119. Hex commoaes jitc1 Tl Cricket ro-er $44 Odd Oueen sizea neooooaros dinette $169. Hl-deabed $239. 3 way floor tomo 124.

Plus many more too numerous to list. Bills Bros- rreignr wivovv 724.S.E. $15,000 Liquidation Sale Theropedlc twin size mattress and box springs $66.50 a set Soto and Chdlr, Herculon covers $149.95 set Waiiiwdy recllners Dinette sets 4 piece oearoom sers Floor tamos SH.9S Bunk Beds with mattress $169.95 Early American soto ond chair set. OoM'n''size'maWess'dndbo' rlrj0 United Freight Sales 4652 1st Ave N.E. Across from the Towne House Open Nltes til 9 FALL CLOSEOUT rnr.

fl 1. lwuut 41A0 0C- Swivel rockers, Dinette sets irnm IO oL, Rpdrnnm sets. Maple or walnut chesti, $32 95; Kltcnen cnairs, nuriywu. iu, 559.95; Commode end table, $35; So to ana cnair sei, rvvnn.on'C CUDMIT DP New E. Main, Anamosa upen rvton.

I ues. neu. i. iv Thurs. 9 to Sat.

9 to 5 HANtfN'S FURNITURE Refrigerator; gas, electric stoves; wasners; gas, eieciric urver, black white TV's all $35 and up. Color TVs ond all typesof Open 9 a 7 in. 7 days a week 3il rm Ave. s.t., jco-uoiv PIECE Spanish living room group; Red-Bloctc combination reversible soto cushions; full Hollywood bed frame mattress, box springs, brass headboard. 62" high X45" wide xl5" deep Entertainment unit walnut base 3 walnut shelves.

All Items In excellent condition, 377-7009 after 9 A.M. BRAND NEW FURNITURE 3 COMPLETE rooms, $199; Enlpv specialty selected furniture for the living room, bedroom and kitchen. Cash or E-Z We deliver) GODDARD'S FURNITURE New location 315 E. Main, Anamosa HOI IDAY SAVINGS Carpet 20 to 40 off stock rolls, wall hugger reciiner starring i3i, juts off retail all furniture. VILLAGE INTERIOR.

123 West Main St. Lisbon 455-2060 1976 KITCHENAID DISHWASHER CIFARANfF All models on sale while stock lasts. bU BU KUAN LUMHtK Next to K-Mart West SEALY postureoedlc full size mat- iress, oox springs ana rrame. I year old. Excellent condition, S125.

365-7640 lb To Eat 96 EAVe THEJ BIGGEST fvrOUT luwuvjit Assorted Cold 69c lb. J0HNATHANS MORGAN CREEK ORCHARD HWY 94 W. 1st left oast Crawford Ouarrv. 'A mi. S.

turn right, '7 mi. M3r5 house past brldgel 396-5108 DALE'S MARKET 9 to 6. 7 DAYS 333BGENTER POINT ROAD N.i. Idaho Russets, 10 lbs 89c Frozen Spinocft, 10 oz. pkg 15c Frozen Broccoli.

10 oz. pkg 25c All Milk (ptosttc gal) Jl fO Jons, Delicious, Weolttiies. i.50 Muscatine Sweet Potatoes, lb 29c CDX Plywood $6.88 MOST some windfalls. KAZIMOUR ORCHARD 2630 Otis Rd. S.E.

Ooen 9-6 dolly HOME RAISED wild mallard ducks, ive, $1 ond $IJ5: 442-1474, Keystone. Potatoes 20 lbs 79c, tomatoes 49c apples, pumpkins, sorghum, peanuts, honey. RAY'S, Bowling S.W. LOADS of PUMPKINS, 15c ond up NOVAK, Cottage Grove Ave. S.E.

PUMPKINS tor sale. 1640 50th St. N.E. 2 blocks off Center Point Rd. DUCKS and aeese, 60c live.

364-3678 TURNIPS, ocorn squash. Davis, 377-4460 before 8. 12-1, after 5. HENS alive or dressed. 848-71 82 DUCKS AND GEESE, Hve or dressed, popcorn, 8 cents lb.

846-2648 GEESE. Dressed or olive. Available Nov. 3rd. 443-2283, Urbana.

Buyer meets seller In Classified And It's a happy meeting for both Musical Instruments 98 LES PAUL Custom guitar and amplifier. Will sell separately. 366-2041 or see Bob ot 1612 Ave. N.E. WURLITZER ELECTRIC PIANO, PEAVEY AMPLIFIER, AIMS P.A.

HEAD, 910 LESLIE 393-6213. PEAVEY standard amplifier head 400 series, good condition. 2699 Sth Apt. 3, Marlon. 1968 SUNN guitar amplifier, 55 watt RMS, 15" JBL-new, make offer, 337-9774 YAMAHA SY-2 Synthesizer, best offer, excellent condition.

377-7239 or 377-0940 after I P.M. BEGINNERS snare drum, used only twice. 5110. 362-9718, after 4. TROMBONE.

365-7763, AFTER 5. 100 PIANO ROLLS, Nearly new $1.50 each. 396-2159 AMPEG VT 22 ond Cerwln-Veoa, BF 16 Doss cabinet. 365-3712, 365-3719 BEAUTIFUL 1906 upright piano. Very good condition! 363-7605.

SOLID CHERRY Hammond organ with bench. $675. Like new. 364-5658. SALE: Alto soxopnpne.

849-1706 YOU WILL FIND -everything you need for family and home KILLIANS downtown i Lindale or Iowa City Crochet! Good Things 1 I 88 Auctions A Anttquet it wont. Un 88 Auctions A Antiques AUCTION HAWKEYE BODY SHOP 5010 Center Point Rd. N.E. Cedar Rapids, lo. Sat.

Nov. 6 Startina 10 o.m. Rlteway 20 ton aligner frame ma- enme comoieie, ubvuvim a X26' spray booth. Pacemaker 7Vi H. compressor with 5 H.

motor, Champion 2H. compressor, 2 model 708 Goodoil startoll units, 4 ton and ,0 ton porta-oower, 2 Blackhawk air hydraulic pumps with dozer rams, 4 ton Weaver floor iocks, 2 ton HW floor jack, 2 3 masking machines, Vandorn valve refacer, Qwik -way valve seat grinder, MO OA sender, Rodac 714 grinder, Rockwell commercial vacuum, acetylene welder and cart, paint and primer guns, grav air holster, damage doier, various porta-oower accessories, Bishmart tire machine, portable sand blaster, CP import wrench, Blackhawk fack stand, bumoer straightening tool, Schauer battery charger, War-auette trickle charger, Hoopy head-Jignt aiming set, 2 pair wheel hub dollies, portable 220 volt heat lamo, barrel pumps, olr hoses and collectors, bench grinder, 4 steel benches, 2 vices, tender repair rack, and Vi" drill, 4 steel parts bins, 5 steel drawer cabinets, steel ond wood shelving, metal cabinets; hand tools, 2 steel desks, lower portion of antiaue roll top desk, 2 steel swivel chairs, 2 steel office chairs, Victor calculator, K-Mart adding machine, 4 drawer steel file cabinet, show case, Xerox 320 microfiche machine with Mitchel tllm subscription, mo-torcrass guide subscription, pop machine, coffee bar eauipment, used and a tew new body parts, mostly VW, trailer hitches, paint and maferiol remnants, 75 VW Scf-rocco body for top and rear cllo, 74 VW Super beahe RF cowl clip. 70 VW beatie too and rear clip. 69 VW type III front clip. Don't be late, approximately 2 hours selling time.


6th 1 P.M. CARL B. CARROLL B. NEWELL auctioneers 364- 452 3 Boats and Sporting Goods Wowfitto Woltd 88 Auction! A Antiques VICTORIAN FURNITURE AUCTION SAT. NOV.




9th 4 M. FOOD CENTER GROCERY 846 Sth Ave. S.E. CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA See Next Sunday's Ad For Complete List Glandorf Auction SERVICE 365-0097 OAK kitchen cabinet, 45" round table, curved glass china cabinet, commodes, secretary bookcase, drop front desk, dressers, walnut and pine furniture, collectibles. 1505 8th St.

W. Sot. Sun. 10-5. 93 LESSONS NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARN Classes start next week Crochet, Needlepoint, Crewel, Knitting ond advance knitting.

RUTH'S NEEDLECRAFT 401 3rd Ave. S.W., 3664806. TO ORDER YOUR AD IN WOMAN'S WORLD DIAL 3988234 Gift-Worthy TOP PRICES Copper, Brass, Aluminum Radiator crao Iron M( FEDER AND SONS IJll Ayenue N.E. St. Vincent DePayl Salvage Center 92! 7th Street SE URGENTLY needs donations 01 working appliances, usable furniture, cwtnlng and household Items tor local distributor, tax deductible Please coll 365-5091 tor pickup.

TOP MARKET PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP IRON ALL GRADES OF METALS KATZ SALVAGE MARION, IOWA WANTED: Good used toys, Flsher-Prlce, chllds stove, retrloerator, sink combination. Playhouse ond erector, set. 365-5951 weekttays otter 5:30 or 934-3583 anytime. GUNS 462-2724 WANTED: Brown dress leather locket, length. In good condition.

Size 46-k. W-4V5I oner 4 wonqov. GOOD leadership In me clerk of court's otftce. Vote CHARLENE VANOUS, Nov. 2.

Pol. Adv. WANT old wooden furniture, Sshes, antiques. Coll Mrs. Thurn, 363-4161 WANT TO BUY UPRIGHT OR SPINET PIANOS 366-1119 Tools, guns, miscellaneous, complete estates.

Furniture. 364-4592 ANTIQUE Cast iron Door stops. 377-5701. GOOD transportation car and some furniture. 366-1263.

Cash tor old dresser, rocking chair, antique Items. 377-7644, 377-8442. GOOD quality wood ship models 3666101 WANTED tor oarts-Argus C-44or C-4, 35MM Camera. 363-4127. WANTED 500 or 1,000 Gal.

LP gas tank, 396-2483 after 5 P.M. OLD FREEZER. 857-4331 Home Furnishings 94 SOFA SLEEPER, bed complete. Vanity, vanity bench, humidifier, dresser, formica table with 4 chairs, de-humidifier, buck saws, 10 gallon crock, fireplace screen and andirons. Call Sat.

or before 3 p.m. 846-2952. SOFAS, dinettes, chests, love seats. corree ana en a lODtes, King size mattresses and box spring set with rails, bunk beds, desks, files, ranges, refrigerator. Hiawatha Sales, 393-1768 AMANA handcrafted natural cherry King size neaaooara ieno in-nersprlnamortress with split set foundation frame with carpet rollers.

Complete set (5001-338-2921 after 5 For Sale: Amona freezers ond re frigerators, special prices on damaged and floor models. MAIN AMANA STORE Amona, Iowa 622-3741 PFCIAl tV HOUSFr Com Diet ft sln- bed sw.ys; bota ana tnair 199.95; plus much more. Ooen Monday and Thursday til 9 P.M., weekdays til 5. 4396 Ml. Vernon Rd.

TIME CO. 1125 3rd SI. S.E. 36 New selection of clocks. STOVE, like new, double oven deluxe signature, ju monm worromv remaining, cost S448, sell $200 Were transferred in hurry, 362-2858, 627 34th St.

N.E. OAK Buffet with mirror, 4 drawer ook dresser, drawer monogony dresser, walnut chest, coffee tables, dinette set 4 choirs, much more. 3S6-I8th St. S.E., 365-3037. USED 1 MONTH Avocado 'electric range with contln-uous-cleon oven.

Avocado double door refrigerator. S500 for both. 362-4463. TWIN bedroom set complete $100; 1 Pair dropes, matching spread; 2 pair white drapes, maple chest $30; hamper coffee table 377-2359 or 3776391. HOTPOINt ELECTRIC DRYER Harvest gold (freight damaged) KEHRER APPLIANCE CENTER 620 2nd Ave.

S.E. 364-0213 AMANA 16, freezer, 4 years old, like new, szuu, 1 ru-coia comoinorion '1 freezer, 17 refrigerator, door slightly damaged. $80, 393-0813 after 6 weekdays, anytime weekends. WASHER DRYER Rental Service YOUR home, apartment, business or mobile home, less thon 85c a day. 363-5829 or 393-5334 MINI Hotpqint washer, mini Maytag oryer, pair wuu, oea complete $20, Trailer Court Lot 3 on Hwy.

30 West ot Shellsburg corner 446-6742 Atkins. THERAPEDIC Mattresses 529.95 GODDARD'S FURNITURE 462-3160 New Location 315 Main, Anamosa 4 30" RATTAN bar stools, $100. 48" round oak table, S7UU. Large t-rigt-daire, $60. 40" gas Roper range, $25.

Call 365-4000. SELF-CLEANING ceramic too Seors stove unaer warranry, goia, cost new $500. selling tor $350. 2 Twin Deas, mattresses line new. SAV-ON USED FURNITURE Buy, Sell or Trode.

1537 1st Ave. S.E. (Alley entrance) 364-8545. )HROME dinette set with extra leaf. Davano bed, Hotllywood single bed.

complete. 364-ujys. HAMILTON gas dryer, $25. Antlaue 3 Burner gas srove, ironing ooara S3.W. J65-ZV3.

BLACK vlnvl rocker. $70. 2 oortbble Deas; poker table, each. 365- I3IH. Large chest freezer $75 Good Price, 365-7280 MUST SELL: DAVENPORT, antlaue bedroom set, wringer wosner.

oryer, moke oner, joz-ovi. REFRIGERATOR, bedroom suite. dinette tooie, single oea. 815 15th V. S.E.

UNFINISHED FURNITURE All the Finishings 1506 1st Ave. E. BARNEY'S Paint Wallpaper DAVENPORT, excellent condition. sou. matching Drown figure occa sional chairs.

3-My. KING SIZE Bed; corner end table and corree table, single rollaway oea. imv-ioio. 48" HARDWOOD table and 4 chairs, 2 leaves liw, good condition, 364-2638 anytime weekends. CABINET Sewing Mochine $50.

901 8th Ave S.E. 362-0517. LIVING room furniture, bookcase. small portable Black White TV, 3V3-ZW4 GLANDORF'S Furniture, Antiques Hiawatha, Iowa 365-0097 70 SQUARE yards ot gold carpeting, $100. 393-1260.

HANDMADE solid walnut Grandfath er clock. $500. 365-4919. GE Pot Scrubber, Coppertone dish washer, usea 6 montns. 364-5534 BUNK beds, Westinghouse range, numiainer.

364-361 DOUBLE SIZE WATER BED, 365-2660 TWIN beds, mattress and box springs. Like new! 363-6U5. CARPET, 19x15 green nylon and. 31x8 ctruuw. rWrnn 3AlCQfll 16 x18 BEIGE WOOL CARPET 364-2526 ELECTRIC sewing machine, attach ments, cabinet.

$35. 365-5U54 SPEED OUEEN electric dryer. $40 3662381 SEARS electric dryer, like new 363-1191 KITCHEN breakfast nook, $100 377-64S5 FOR SALE 37 so. yds gold carpeting. perge carper, QUEEN or double headboard, double rrame, make oner.

364-33 15. AMANA deftumidifler, 2 yegrs old, excellent. $50, 362-1771 WATERBEO. frame-motlress-beater, nearly new. 3V3-5V4I oner 5 K.

M. 2 LIVING room choirs, very good cunoirion, 4-IVK ROUNO 42" mapie table wittl formica fop ona 4 cnoirs. S55, ill 38U3 WALNUT CHINA hutch, 393-5538 WATER Softener, Sears 3 yean old. $125. 365-4470.

AMANA stde-bv-side copper refriger ator -rrezer, excellent! 365-6 DISHWASHER $25 365-8301 GE DRYER 10 years old. $15 162-3586. WOOD OR COAL STOVE 875 393-4200 AUCTION AD COLOR PRESS 2205 Sunset Rd. Des Moines, Iowa Wed. Nov.

10 Storting 10 am. Eaulwnent from bindery, camera, letter press, linotype, and press departments. Also generol shop and office equipment. Includes Dexter folder. Bourn folder, 24" Miller camera.

Miller high speed letter presses. Ludlow gas line type model 31, 2-1250 Muttlllth, Chief IS and Chief 17 presses, mucti much more. Antlaue cuts of memorial Iowa companies. Brass plate and line engravings, 260 dies, from Ito TV'. ARRANGED and CONDUCTED bv: MERV E.

HILPIPRE AUCTION CO. Cedar Falls, Iowa 266-3571 AUCTION Sat. Sept. 6th I P.M. 1811 dAve.

Marion Battery charger, ton chain hoist, devil meter, table and chairs, conventional washer, electric dryer, refrigerator, bedroom set, book cose, dresser, end table, small tables, new medicine cabinet, dishes, lawn tools, steo ladder, tent awning, charcoal grill, fishing poles and miscellaneous, 2 pud tents, 2 con-vases, camoina eaulament, small tools- aes, cement blocks, lunch- pails, hand vacuums, small appii-onces, sleeping boas, 35 h. p. Wizard outboard motor. Lots ond lots ot miscellaneous. Glandorf Auction PERSIAN RUG, Appraised at $2,400 OFFERED AT ANTIQUE AUCTION Today, Oct.

31 12:30 P.M. HOLIDAY INN Jet. of 1-80 ond 216, Iowa City Many other choice antique items-walnut S-Curved roll-too desk, lots of lovely cut gloss, R.S. Prussia, signed French Porcelain in other Items listed in last Frl. and Sat.

paper. NEXT AUCTION Nov. 7, 12: 30 M. 1 Same Place at Holiday Inn, (owa City Col. L.

J. Thurn, Auct. ANTIQUE AUCTION LEGION HALL VIGOR, IOWA THURS.NOV. 4th, 9:30 AM. Walnut fainting couch (refinished, reupholstered).

Worm Morning heating stove, Tlftonv Woe table lamp, wardrobe, oak commode with towei Dor, bogie salesman sample cook stove, hall free, chairs, Daisy churn, kerosene lamps, pictures, dishes, collectors' plates, crocks, miscejlgneous items. FORREST BRENIMAN, Auctioneer TOWN'S EDGE SKI-D00 AND ARTIC CAT BUY NOW AND SAVE New Artie Cot 5000 Pontero's Now $1595 All Models Specially Priced Marlon Shopping Center 377-4851 SAMURAI SWORD. Charter Arms 44 caliber. High standard long horn ruger, 10-22. Texan relooder with 20 ga.

dies. $25. Miscellaneous ammunition, spotting scope. Miscellaneous scopes. 0383 stock complete.

Infield stocks complete. Infield sporter stock. Miscellaneous stocks. Call alter 6 P.M. 366-4269.

1973 22:20 REINELL Cuddy cabin cruiser. Loaded with extras, 170-Volvo engine, full galley with running water, head, hydraulic trim tabs, convertible too and camper back covers, travel cover, CB radio, compass, etc. fyew double axle trailer with surge brake system. J66-I161, 365-0202 MERCHANTS SPORT CENTER 1st Ave -3rd St. Vinton.

Iowa Shoo 472 2883 Home 472-4650 Open 8 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Sat. POLARIS, KAWASAKI-SNOW-JET AND MASSEY, parts, accessories, ond service. Guns and related merchandise. 10-20-30 OFF largest selection of handguns.

Warranty service, layawav. Sports Outfitters 3969434 Hlway 30, 2 miles West of Giant store. 11-9 P.M. weekdays. Sat.

til 5 P.M. Guns, rifles, shotguns, pistols, reloading suoolies, loaders, powder, primers, wads. shot, she Is new and re loaded, clay birds $3.90 box. Open 7 davs a week, 9-10. DiWGUN PARTS 814 Oakland Road, N.E.

EXCELLENT CONDITION. 26' CEN TURY RANGER Cruiser with twin 150 P. Chrysler Inboard on like new exrra neavy aury lanaem Trailer with electric brakes. Will sacrifice for $6500. Coll evenings.

319-783-7708 DAN WESSON Pistol Poc, unflred, $225; Model 27 357 moo; Model 19 4 357 Model 10 l.W-2". 38 collbre; unflred $125; Colscet-ective Speclal-38 calibre, tfntwid $173. 393-1163. SELLING OUT OUR DEMONSTRATOR AND RENTALS CORAL MARINA, 351-9290 Hwy.l, 4 ml. of Solon, to Dam Johnson 1975 9 9 $519.

15-5559. Ail 1976 Boots On Sole. 16' Canoes $159. Tilt Trailers $159 Stark's, Prairie do Chien, Wise. Phone 326-2478 CENTURY TRIDENT 16, 115 ho Johnson, tllr and trim.

Loader Trailer. List. $6,504.40 Now $4,856 MARINA 218, 626-2411 HWY. 218. 10 mi.

ot Cedar Rapids FOR SALE 38 Special under cover Carter Arms revolver. Winchester 30-30 western stv ritie. Bom slant ed in but never used. 2899 5th Apt. 3, Marlon.

REMINGTON 870 Wingmaster Pump Action Shotgun, never used. 12 gouge, 5 163-6282 uge, a run cnofce, plain oarrei RANGE WHIP" At Affordable Price WATERHOUSE sports center Centrol City, la. 438-4349 FINANCING AVAILABLE SAILBOAT-1975 Columbia 23. Galley, enclosed head, cruising gear, trail keel with 2' draft. $8,000.

366-61, MERCURY, MerCruiser, Chrysler, Soles ond Service. Marlnara- mo Brooklyn. 10., 515-522-7246 THE GOLF HOUSE 500 1st O. 365-4462 363 2418 SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILES CORAL MARINA. 351 9290 Hwy.

1, 4 ml. S. Solon. W. to dam Sailboat Johnson 16 Class cub with trailer.

$750. 377-9411; after 5. 377-1061. MEC 700 Loaders. $59 95 Reloading Supplies for all Rifle Pistol and Shotgun snens, Martins J6J-V4 iv Scorpion Sales i Service Cycles, Williamsburg, 668 WINTER storoge space tor large boat, camper ana travel trailers.

3V6-4423 SS.W 44 MAGNUM COLT PYTHON ROGERS RELOADING, 366-6812 FOR SALE: Air Boat, Continental 65 r. Aircraft engine, roller included. 752-6285 12' serm-V boat ond trailer, oars, life ackers, anchors, ond fish finders. $300 851-4911 NEW GARAGES AVAILABLE FOR STORAGE, CALL 393-8623 LARRY'S ARCHERY SHOP HWY. 218 SOUTH 3644927 OUTDOOR RV STORAGE, $5 month, close in E.

346-3160 after 5 FOR SALE: RIFLE, 366-3743. SKI-DOO 292 410 Mosourg Anamosa 462-4037 24 HOUSEBOAT, $3,500 or best ofter. win trooe tor trovei trailer. Jo-" 14 STARCRAFT. $IS0.

842 239 1973 SKIDOO 340 I T. Very good conation. 848-4AH. Ely 38 STAINLESS STEEL SAW. $150.

Arm. J66-6088 75 POLARIS 340 FREE AIR. 848-7329. 1973 JOHN DEERE snowmobile ond double trailer, 394-5255 MODEL 870 Wingmastgr 12 i new, $100. (395305 Gazette subscriber, who nor molly pov a tott charge, con now oraer metr ciossiTtea WANT AD TOLL FREE! Just Dial This Private Want Ad Number 800-332-7976 8 A.M.

to 5 P.M. Mon. Thru Fri. Sun. Deadline Sorry cancellation or tor- rection of want ads, or any ther Gazette business, cannot oe accepted on the toll-free line.

Contract odverttsers ore re-Guested to coil their regular oc count representative on The Gazette number they normally use. 82 Mttcllanowf for Safe OUT OF PAWN Suitor cases $5 $7 50. ver 30 men's ond ladles reconditioned watches (guaranteed). up. Vogue stitch sewing machine S28.

Name brand Guitars 128 ud. Toshiba I track home unit Motorola 12" block and white TV. $38- Wtnston Guitar amp Knight multi-bond receiver $38. BSk turntable $31. Gibson Hawaiian Guitar $38.

Lloyd's AM- FM turntoble $48. Dual turntable $58. Bundy Clarinet $58. Sansui Stereo receiver Aims dual 12 Guitar amo Evette Saxophone $148. MSA pedal steel Guitar $188.

SlfGEL'S 105 3rd Ave. Si. WANTED TO BUY OLD DOOR CHECKS We Also Repair All Makes Of Door Checks. Lock ond key service available. DOOR CHECK SERVICE 208 S.E.

363-9976 BRUNSWICK POOL TABLES Special prices on all Brunswick tables. Lmn County's only authorized Brunswick dealer. QUALITY BILLIARDS 728 3rd Ave S.E. 363-6078 ROCK POLISHERS From pound to 6 oound capacity. Very auiet ond efficient.

Tumbling grits ana plastic pe'lets available. FIRST AVENUE HOBBIES 1440 First Avenue N.E. Phone 362-0373 POOL TABLES $200 OFF All models In stock. Free delivery. JILEK BILLIARDS, Swisher 657 427 POLYFOAM CUSHIONING For Car, Boat, Tractor, Camper Furniture.

Station Wagons etc. R. SURPLUS STORE H5 4lhStSE. Along Tracks KIRBY CLASSIC Like new, has attachments and sham-pooer. 365 8308 4m Ave Vacuum, Inc.

527 4th Ave. S.E., across from YVCA. SCHOOL SEWING MACHINE Trade-ins. Cabinets and Tables. SAVE WHILE THEY LAST West Side Sewing Machine Shoo 418 1st SAW.

345-3075 RENT THE BEST BEST RENTALS CHEST Type 15-Cubic Foot Coldspot Freezer Charcoal Barbecue wagon Over -ttie-Toilet Space Saver 160-Pound weight Lifting Set and Bench. 366 2576 FULL set of king size bedding, like new, $60. Seors 3 way exercise de -used 2 weeks. $50. Slym gym 125.

Lady's small writing desk, -Queen Anne. $75. 365-3544 after 6. BROWN SUEDE COAT Women's size 14, np-in lining, like new, reasonable. After 4: 30-366-2545.

ORDER your Family Bouauet Rings tor Christmas. Now available in th-es 4 thru 10 and half sizes. 377-2233 before 10: 30 o.m. LENNOX furnace 80.000 BTU, good condition. Large school student deik.

Occasional choirs. 2107 Lauren Dr. W. WASHER, dryer $100 pair. Simmons double bed Power tree sow.

TV, radio, enclosed storage box. tor too of auto. 362858S. ADDING machine, golf clubs, doven-pprt bed, block ond white portable TV with stand and miscellaneous from basement sale. 365-6894.

CAPEHART AM-FM radio with 8 track plus BSR turntable. 2 speakers. Kov bass Guitar. Miscellaneous. 364-1500.

1 30 GALLON oauorlum, wood-tone $25. I 20. High aquarium, woodtone with accessories. $30. 1-15 gallon hex $20.

364-7234 Sto 8 Girl's 24" bicycle, oven broiler, occasional chair, man's roller skates ond case. Old speed graphic camera ond 35 mm. 363-10T0. CB BEAM ANTENNA 30" pickup topper. 365-2327 TOWLE Sterling Madeira pattern, 5 filoce setting, serving pieces, chest ncluded.

363-5096 between 9 A.M. ond 3 PM. BATTERIES 14.95 up. 1215 2nd St. W.

Renu Battery i Hydraulic Repair. 365-1186 84Nurery, Lawn Pardon WHEEL HORSE lawn ond garden equipment. Suchomel Chevrolet Center Point, la. 849-1233 LANDSCAPING SODDING RAILROAD TIE RETAINING WALL SPECIALIST! I 3915515 KUBOTA TRACTORS, starting ot 12495 It EQUIPMENT 4419 Ml Vernon 362-9331 FALL garden plowing. Landscape grading, leveling.

Reasonable rates. 360787, 35 7839. IB Auctions ond gg Antiques HOUSE Of NOSTALGIA Anhoues and gifts, ooen 9: 30-4 788 6th Morton GLENN POWERS Auctioneer ond Rock shop 362-2531 MARY DAVIN ANTIQUES Buying ond Selling Quality Furniture Phone 3380891. Iowa City, la. HARLAN GLANDORF AUCTIONEER 3650097 ANTIQUE HAND STRIP SHOP No woter saves sanding patino 116 33rd St Dr.

E. 362-6144 Auctioneer )oe Beauchamp 396 5204 DUFFY Refmishing Pioducts Ooen 7 Days DuttV 3209 Ijl Ave NOV Specials. Oak roll top desk, wol- nut hoiltree Jim Anttaues. 415 2nd St 36 797tt Mon Sat. 1-5 Pol Belly Stove-Oak Montel CHALET ANTIQUE SHOP 1443 1st Ave Open 7 Days OAK COMMODES AND DRESSERS BANOWET2 ANTIQUES Moauoketa, 652359, Open 9to 5 4 AUCTION, Paw School Gym, Palo.

lo. Sat. 2 and 7, Sun. 2 p.m. BUY sell, repair antlaue watches.

Mollov jewelers, 229 2nd Ave 5 trie Stable on the Alley 116 15th St Ook Roll Top Desk HANSON 427 tm Ave NICE Cherry Wood Secretory wit gloss Closet 33-4868or 3616642 ANTIQUE bisaue doll, antique wicker ooii buggy. IRON kettle, milk cons, antique phon og-aon. J6J-6282 BRASS BED. 377 8769 PRIVATE COLLECTION Bohemia giass. includes 5 lustres, old 22 3444 Open Tues through Sat 10 to 5 Lonlern Antiques 142-2024 LoPorh) 2 LARGE ANTIQUE AUCTION and MODERN FURNITURE ON ACREAGE 2 MILES EAST OF HILLS, IOWA and VSMI.

SOUTH Saturday, Nov. 6, 10:30 sharp ANTIQUES-MODERN FURNITURE 2 ANTIQUE TRACTORS-CLOCKS GAS ENGINES-CHEVROLET-ETC. ANTIQUES Home Comfort ronpe, kitchen cabinet with flour bin, china closet with glass doors, flour and sugar wood cabinet, wood box, book cose ond desk combination, radio case ond desk combination, radio and phonograph combination, piano linn, drop leaf kitchen table on costers, hand made cupboard, 12 picture frames, 3 old violins, 3 old treo-dte sewing mochlnes, 5-leo table wim leaves, assorTmew rociung chairs, dresser and mirror, chair with clow feet, china closet with hutch above, large Ice box, small Ice box, chest drawers, chairs, oak square table, old writing desk, old back chairs, buffet top and mirror, antiaue refrigerator, pictures, Edison phonograph ana parts with horn, towei holder, meat grinder, 2 hump-bock trunks, 2 Aladdin tamos, 3 kerosene lamos, 3 lanterns, railroad lantern, 3-4 star flags, 2 copper boilers, 2 teakettles, crocks all sizes, Mason glass lids, 6-gal. iors, gasoline lamos, high choir, razor sharpener, cast iron skillet, shaving mugs, salt and pepper shakers, husking Pegs, hair scissors ond razor, Domestic sweeper, match box, cream cans, plane, light fixtures, shoe stand, hames and bits, corn sheller, sled tongue, bottles, 8 dated fruit jars, egg crate, kitchen scales, old hames lights. Model parts.

2 ANTIQUE TRACTORS-MACHINERY MOTORS-PUMPS NGINE 2 Regular antiaue International tractors run good, both tractors on rubber, IH power mower, harrow, old Edwards gas engine, ove-lo gas engine (runs), Milwaukee air compressor, 4 pumps and tanks, assortment of pumps. Simplicity pump and motor, Burt pump (3 p. motor), Myers pump, 13 electric motors, air compressor. CLOCKS-RIFLE-1901 8-Day wind clock, frDay pendulum clock, wall clock 8-Day sold bv A. W.

Greer, 2 antiaue weight clocks, assortment of clocks and clock parts, 1 old rifle. PLEASE NOTE: This Is only a partial listing as this is large home with many antiaue Items In the home and outside buildings. Note the time, as this Is large sale. Sale wilt be by Number System Terms Cash Lunch on Grounds Not responsible case of accident Draker Sullivan, Clerks LYLE DONOHOE, AUCTIONEER Iowa City phone 338-8401 HARLEY SCOOP' FOUNTAIN, Owner gorgeous handsome BEAUTIFUL interesting EXCITING decorative ANTIQUES otthe Stable on the Alley Welcome Antiquers! 116 15th St. N.E.

Open Dally 10-5 Closed Sundays DON'T PITCH IT SELL IT with a low-cost Want Ad. Dial 398-8234. 90 Coins and Stomps Just acquired huge collection ot proof sets, IV4Z inrougn i'o. rueoi vnrtsi-mas girts and should be purchased while oyoiloble. LAP I JALrva, worwn 14 1 BUY Silver and Gold coins and coin r.u.

oux i JIM'S STAMPS 8 COINS 309 3rd St. S.E. 366-7070 Stamps Coins Supplies WANTED Stamp and Coin collections and accumulations. C.R. Stamps Loins, ii jra st.

N.t. joj-zmo Special! "Wheotback" cents mixed or aaiea. -Vi to per ran. jw ome s. R.

Stamp club meets Mon. Nov. 1, 7 :30 p-m. Peonies Bank, 101 3rd Ave. S.N.

Public invited 1976 Fronktin Mint Christmas medals now available, Jerome it lower Wanted 92 APPROXIMATELY 30x67 COMBINATION storm windows. 3w4465. DOGHOUSE. 362-1565 4-PIECE SECTIONAL 846-2976 WANTED 1 lorge Conch Shell 848-7144 otter 3:00 P.M. COMMERCIAL Pin Ball Machine.

366-5164 WANTED shotgun shell, re loader and dves, 1-446-463 PRESS-BACK CANE SEAT CHAIRS and cane rooters 363-ov 15 BOV'S 20" bKrycte. Huffy or Stingray good conamon. J64-0441. WANTED SNOWMOBILE 1974 or newer, good condition. 1774459 NEWER Non-working refrigerators and freezers, 364-5003 LIONEL or American Fiver electric trains.

166-5164 WANTED INDIAN REUCS. 393-2341. 86 E-Z-G0 GOLF CARS NEW CARS 3 and 4-whee, cars gas ond electric. Choose from 1 beautiful colors. Trade-ins welcome.

USED CARS 75 Cushman 4-wheel gas 75 Goft Kar 3-whee, gas 75 E-Z-Go 3-wheel electric 73-74 Golf Kar 3-wheel gas 3 E-Z-Go 4 wheel electric Many years and models to choose from at substantial savings, Many used cars in stock. Harold H. Luiken Sons Steamboat Rock, Iowa 50672 (515) 8otV2340 Dealer inquiries invited. GARY'S SKI-D00 55 New Skl-Doos In Stock Elan electric start J945 Olympic electric SI 195 up RV's $1495 up 40 guaranteed used sleds 7 -440 TNT's $595 up 10 Free Airs J395 up 5 Nordic electric $425 up Trailers S180 to $800 Suits $24 to 5100 Boots 511 to 535 Oil ,511 per case Iowa's Largest Dealer Independence, la. 334-3731 NOT ONLY DO WE HAVE Glastron CorrectCraft Boots WE ALSO HAVE THE 1977 Correr-tCraft, Glastron And Polaris Snowmobiles Let Us Set Your Snowmobile Ready tor Snow and Your Boat Ready For Winter.

HARPER'S MARINE CITY "ON THE CEDAR RIVER" 1895 Ellis Blvd. N.W.-366-7136 PONTOON BOAT 1973 24' aluminum, too, 1974 Chrysler 6 HP, remote control, 11,395. 16' Runabout, 18 HP Evlnrude, remote control, trailer, all only $395; Lund, Monark, Mork Twain, Inboard-Outboard, Bass, Pike boots. Johnson motors: 6 HP $379, 9.9 HP $519, 15 HP $559, oil trier sizes at lowest prices. SNOWMOBILES, Johnson or Evlnrude, new 1976 650 cc, 50 HP, $1,0951 35 HP rotary wide track, electric start, speed toch, reverse, only $1 195; snowmobile troiiers: double $219, 4 place tandem $795.

SPOONER SPORTS TAMA, IA. 515-484-2201 DAYS 484-2207 EVES. USED SNOWMOBILES 1974 Ski-Doo 300 oTymptc $550 1974 Polaris TX 400 $965 1975 JD 800 $1375 1975 JD 340S $135 LAWN LEISURE A DIVISION Of SCHWITTERS, INC. BOX 1057 3050 6TH ST. 5.W.

CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA 52404 PHONE 319-363-3571 GUN SALE Remington 1100 12 ga. 3" magnum VR $310.95 Remington 700 ADL 10-06 $159 95 Mohawk IOC $44 95 Winchester 94 3O30 $89.49 Winchester 1400 12 go. $149 95 Winchester 1200 20 ga. $127.49 Winchester 37A $49 95 Winchester 70 3006 $185.49 Mossberg 410 Pump $99 95 Ruger 270 77 $179 95 Marlin 336C $100 00 HEALY'S SPORT SHOP 1509 1st Avenue, WINTERIZE NPWI We winterue all Inboard outboard and outooords and repack trailer bearings. Call for an appointment.

6 HP. JOHNSONS $399 BOAT STORAGE MAKE vour arrangement now tor your boat or comoer storage. Rates bv tte season. Protect our boat or comoer from costty maintenance Snd wear, SO spaces1 avoiiotue Call 77-4826. davs or 377 0564 evenings.

Copper Construction Corn pony, Morion NEW Colt roognum MS Remington 870 12 ga VR $165 Remington 1100 12 go VR $212 Mossberg 12 ga. 3" VR $120 Mossberg 20 pa. 3" VR $120 Winchester 1200 12 ga $120 Winchester 70 300, mag $210 Contender ,222 $135 WILDERNESS SPORTS TUNE-UP NOW! Bring vour snowmobile In now and avoid me rush. Be ready to go with the 1st snow. TOWN'S FDGE Marlon Snooping Center 377-4851 WOW 14 Ft Woodson Tn HuH open utility boat with steering console.


59 ond INTERSTATE 80 AT IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY EVENING, 7:00 P.M. SOME 300 LOTS INCLUDING 6 PIECE WEDGWOOD BRIDGE SET, ROYAL WORCESTER FIGURINES, BISQUE FIGURINES. SCRIMSHAW, Hummell "Christ Royal Doulton figurines Including "Tinkle "Bonnie "The and others; 8 Royal Doulton mark Toby mugs; Denmark figurine "Boy Riding 6 Bisaue figures ranging in height from 9" to Lenox swan; Staffordshire bone china florals; Denton Bone china florals; "Echtes Melssner Porzellan" "Lady with dog and bosket" lO'i" high; Coal-port bone china florals; 6 Bristol vases, Venetian glass decanter. Pearl A.C. Co.

tall pitcher; bisaue slipper; Haviiand and Limoges plates, cups and saucers Including some chocolate cups; Haviiand bouillon cuds and saucers: F'Allard covered bowl: pressed gloss; Nippon. hp platter; Rosenthal hp platter; 1911 advertising calendar plate; hp berry set; 14 Johnson Bros. "Winchester" soups; Gor-ham hp gold bowl; soatterware bowl; etched gloss carafe; 12 Western Germany hp bird plates; German china odverttstng plote; 12 Wedgwood floral hp plates; with gold rims; Plckard etched china tea pot 2 covered sugars 2 creamers handled bowl more; 12 Luxembourg individual casseroles; frosted glass hen on the nest; milk glass "Hen on the blown glass Items; sectioned cone contains place for "SHOT" a pen pencil: Sterling headed walking stick; other canes; 4 old swords scabbards; Royal Copenhagen tea pot; Norltake china; cast brass book ends; India brass; 12 tooted goblets; 10 etched wines; 14 etched porta its; 10 etched small wines and 10 matching cordials; 20 colored stemmed 4wlnes; 12 tooted etched sherbets; much much more crystal; stem-wart not listed; Nippon tooted dish and 5 salts; 1) pilsener glasses; etc. MECHANICAL BANKS: 3 mechanical banks including "Cow Kicking" "Monkey Bank" and "Trick PRIMITIVES: KEROSENE lanterns, NYC BELL SYSTEM; Adams Crt Co. and others; cast iron dog; Cupid statuette; small cost Scottle dog; door knocker cost bell with horse's heod; cast wolf's head mkd "C.H.

Wilson, '35 thru '40 "Thompsons" car ond truck repair manual; cherry stoner; huge cleaver; old egg beaters; 1922 ttour sifter; single blade dicer; 2 stag handled carving sets; steel pot scrubber; small butter print; round ond rectangular wooden bowls; 5 frosted glass spice tors; 12 old brass arid iron padlocks, some with keys; etc. Will sell for 3 hours Saturday evening and balance on Sunday. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER NOON: FURNITURE, A LARGE QUANTITY OF VERY FINE VICTORIAN FURNITURE, including Rosewood bedroom suite, twin beds with pointed decorated head and footboards, chest of drawers, dresser, nite stand and vanity. Fine dining table, 6 chairs, buffet, sideboard and Armor ie chest. Dining table, 6 chairs with needlepoint seats and buffet.

Highly carved Walnut Victorian chairs with needlepoint seats and backs; Victorian sofa and chair; very old Mitchell and Rammelsberg Wal-i nut chest of drawers with marble top; Hey wood-Wok efletd hard-rock maple drop leaf table and 4 chairs; 2 cedar chests; very tine Walnut "Murphy" bed; Walnut and monotony end and lamp to-' bles, some with marble. Oak library table; Fine small Walnut' drop front desk; high back swivel office chair with needlepoint' seat ond bock; Burled Walnut marble too table; ornate velvet foot" stool; boll ond claw footed piano stool; old floor lamps; fine old I mirrors; platform rockers; Oak chests; Mahogany tea cart; Mahogany sliding glass doored china cabinet; much more; also oil I paintings In fine frames; prints signed bv Lionel Borrymore; 2' stock of sheet music; fine books with many sets included: SOME 2' DOZEN FINE TABLE LAMPS INCLUDING CRYSTAL, ART NOUVEAU AND 2 WITH TIFFANY TYPE SHADES: FINE BRASS CANDLESTICKS, AND MORE. FANCY OLD WALL MIRROR with hat hooks ond matching hall seat. CLOCKS: JNolnut Seth Thomas 50" wail clock dated 1885; Walnut Woterbury 31 wall clock has Ddtenf date of 1874. Fine Medallle-De-Bronze L.

Marti Et Cle French Bronze mantel clock; Anson lo mantel clock; WaterburY mantel clock; Walnut cuckoo ckck; a fine Art Nouveou statue clock; other clocks. STERLING A NO SILVER PLATE: About 50 Sterling and Silver Plat souvenir spoons of all sizes; some 35 to 40 Sterling ond Silver Plate serving pieces, -Includes sugars and creamers, tea and coffee pots, nappies, very large tray and much more. MISCELLANEOUS: Lots of tine old linens, tablecloths, Wedding Ring Qui It (very old) and much more too numerous to mention. This AUCTION will hove something for everyone. Be sure ond attend at least one session.



"PAT" FOSTER, JAMES K. FISHER. AUCTIONEERS Community Auction, Clerks Phone 33S-SS33 (Pot) Phone 336-9796 (Jim). 789 COLLECT SHELLS in a rainbow range of colors for afghan and pillow. Combine 4 colors or use scraps of worsted for popular shell motif.

Join shells into 48x60-inch afghan and 15x18 pillow. Easy directions for set. 763 COAT OF MANY COLORS and matching hat will make a little girl very happy and keep her very warm. Crochet squares of worsted; join and add border of fluffy loops. Charts, directions for coat and hat, sizes 2-12 included.

Send $1.00 for each pattern. Add 35c for each pattern for first-class airmail and handling. Send Wheeler.Needlecraft Dept. 42, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New "York, NY 10011. Print pattern number, name, address, zip.

NEW 1977 NEEDLECRAFT CATALOG has 225 designs, 3 free patterns inside. Knit, crochet, crafts! Send 75c Stitch 'n Patch Quilts $1.25 Crochet with Squares 1 .00 Crochet a Wardrobe 1 .00 Nifty Fifty Quilts Ripple Crochet $100 Sew plus Knit Book $1.25 Needlepoint Book 1 .00 Flower Crochet Book Hairpin Crochet Book 7 $1.00 Instant Crochet Book 1 .00 Instant Money Book $1.00 Instant Macrame Book $1.00 Complete Gift Book $1.00 Complete Afghans No. 14 $1.00 12 Prize Afghans No. 12 50c Book of 16 Quilts No. 1 50c Museum Quilt Book No.

2 50c 12 Quilts for Today No. 3 50c Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs 50c 1 i -i -1 t..

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2025)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.